
About Circle of Love Daycare

From the earliest years, a child should be exposed to a wide variety of experiences, social contacts, professional guidance and Christ centered activities. These opportunities will ensure desirable growth in your child.

It’s my philosophy that children primarily learn by what they do.  It’s my goal for the children to have the kinds of experiences and activities that will contribute to each child’s cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual growth.

  • I Convey, through all aspects of this program, that each child is highly valued as a child of God. That he/she is loved and appreciated for who they are rather than what they do.
  • Learning to play and playing to learn is our motto.  The “work” of children is their “play” so I play with the children and offer them freedom to creatively express themselves daily.
  • I promote individual self-esteem, independence, cooperation, peacemaking and decision making by providing developmentally appropriate activities on a daily basis.
  • I Teach the taking care of their physical needs and help them to develop the use of their bodies.  I provide daily opportunities to help every child develop appreciation for good nutrition, proper rest, and, for observing sound health rules. 
  • Daily we experience developmental learning through age appropriate play, sharing, conversation time, story time, singing, dancing, marching and walking games, finger plays and creative art. I also believe that early childhood should be a time of fun, warmth, security, exploring and discovery – we nurture and encourage these qualities.

What Parents
Say About Us.

Testimonials and feedback from satisfied parents, highlighting the daycare’s reputation and trustworthiness.

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
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5 star rating
“I really enjoyed my experience with Ms. Sarah. She is very friendly and sympathetic to your needs, if she could be any help she was always there personally. She has an amazing curriculum.”

Westland, MI

5 star rating
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5 star rating
“Sarah loves her children, and they love her in return. Sarah teaches her children good eating habits. She teaches them learning in so many different types of methods.”

Westland, MI

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“Ms. Sarah is heaven sent she not only teaches my son but also helps ensure he has a pure foundation of Christ. The comfort that I feel When I leave him to go to work is amazing.”
Shantell Marshall

Westland, MI